Friday, 5 April 2013

Intercessory Alert

Intercessory Alert

A lot of rhetoric is going on as North Korea's spoiled son now leads the country.  Rumors of nukes being fired and the revving up of an old nuclear reactor have much of the world worried.  Joel Rosenberg's book "Dead Heat" may very shortly coming to pass if we do not get this right.  The United States can ill afford to read the signals wrong and we need intercessors on the wall on high alert.  It is not easy to bend ones knee and seek the face of the Lord but one needs perseverance and a willing heart to watch and seriously pray and intercede.  If the church would truly learn to do so it could avert much of what may shortly come to pass. Alas, many are busy about much and not busy about their Fathers business. 

The Lord has such love for us and wants to help us to do His will in the earth as it is in heaven.  We cannot walk out our salvation alone but need Him each moment of every day to lead, guide and direct our lives.  Jesus is the answer!  The only answer to mans dilemma.  Sin is rampant and Jesus is the only one that can eradicate sin.  He is the only one that can truly change human nature and bring to death that old man.  Ceasing to sin is not possible in ourselves but when Christ truly lives in a man or woman and they allow Him to be Lord it brings forth lasting change.

Let us as the church cry out to the Lord.  Let us take time in the secret place to hear His voice.  Let us walk with our Father and not stop crying out day and night till we see change.  The Lord puts in leaders and scripture says He removes them too.  This is definitely being allowed by the Lord but how America and the world handle it is going to determine the outcome.

How we as the church take our position in the body as intercessors and pray through will determine our future.  Let us life up our voices and cry out to the Lord and repent of our sin and then we will hear from heaven and He will heal our land. A spirit of repentance needs to fall on each one from the least to the greatest and the church needs to walk as it did in the beginning. We need pure hearts to truly intercede and bring forth change. Today we are being challenged to come up higher and allow Father God to do a lasting work in our lives. None of this worldly stuff matters at all and for myself in fifty years none of this will be remembered. 

What will count is what one does with the prayer needs that cross our path.  Will we say, another will pray or will we take up our cross, deny ourselves and come to the place of being the intercessors the Lord wants us to be.  The choice is ours.  Will we stand as the body of Christ together and be light in this ever darkening world.  Will we let our light shine before men and glorify our Father in Heaven.  Let us change history by how we respond to the call of the Lord to watch and pray. Pray for our Nations leaders that they come to know the Lord and bend their knee before Almighty God. The  effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much and much can be delayed, lives spared and demonic acts averted by our intercession.  The gates of hell will not prevail against us.

 14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

Patricia Hamel

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